On minimum day we all decided to go skate at Frank. When we got there, we warmed up for 15 minutes and then the cops came and everyone ran off.
THe little kid in the red shirt got left behind and he coudln't climb the fence so I had to go back and help him out.
Woodpushing for life son!
Chuy with a lil pop.
Polejams were fun, so was the gap
Geo Ollie
P-Nut flipkick
Some guy Ollie
Tre Bombs!
This gap was all massive! The kid in blue straight ate shit as you can see.
Carlitos, my homeboy from Elementary and Jr. High, he goes to PHS now, how cools is that, he remembered me.
Waiting for a ride.
Lets go hit a rail!
Ohh what a night!