Monday, January 28, 2013

Like They Say, "Sunday FUNday!!!"

 (click image to enlarge&download)Sooooo after skating and getting kicked out of the skatepark by the infamous OPD we headed down the road from college park to see wassup. The homeboy Stanley has hops and pops. Here he 180's to manny
 Abel aka KING CHOCH got his back

 After leaving the spot we went to Wasted Talent. The sun was setting and the light was diminishing. After having a conversation with the owner, John, I left with a good impression. John had some crazy fucking tazer light on him.
 I rolled with the homie Beto.
 After leaving Wasted Talent we ended going to the 2 block
 Stanley NollieFlip
 Abel VarialHeelin
Stanley Tre and Ollie
 Over the bar! raising the bar

 THe homie Choch drank all my beers, wtf!!!
 Nahhh its all good, shock tops are aight
 Truchhh!!! Beto comming in hawt with an InwardHeel
 Fuck! Snapped that bad boy
 Alan is back on our film team. Phil was there too. Homie killin' it all day errday. Hopefully I can keep up with post, photos, interviews, and bloggin :)

New Born!

 (click image to see it bigger&download) As we all know, there's a new baby boy in this world. This past week my close friend Eric had his first child. His girl Dominique gave birth to a sweet little boy. Its a boy! and he's a Jr.
 Chuy and I met up at the hospital in St.Johns. Eric picks up the lil man with caution and care.

 Such a cute little boy, he was napping and smiling at the same time.

 New future
 Happy Family
 Sleep Sleep Sleep
And we are now nominating Chuy as the GODFATHER!!!