Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Weekend Pt. 2 : OXNARD POOL PARTY

Saturday was the homies party for a new born on the way. As usual, the group of skateboarders always stand out in the crowd. After leaving the party I had skate-mission filled in my head I wanted to take my team to a pool. This pool spot is hella bad ass. After the previous week of rain I knew there would be water in the deep end. 
Eric Ortiz (Daddy) rolls in the vertical monster 

Ector rolling up to the pool coping without hessitation 
Peanut with a layed back stylish powerslide
baby choch Brandon crusin' 

"hey man you alright?" 
"I broke my shoulder"
Ector getting a sweet ride over the nipple 
Eric buzzin' it up 
Pnut again with steez for days 
Get up to the coping player 
Abel's been on and off injured but slowly recovering
"I need new couches for my pad foo, lets take some home" 
Team footage watch with Alan 
This reminds me of Lords of Dogtown 
If you can't hop a fence, you're fucked 
Our beloved filmer Alan
Bustin' down the door 
king of the world? 

no fishing  
Dope pool spot, don't be a burn out.