Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Park Sharks (OxparkSharks)

(click image to enlarge&download) Eric Dean shows us how clean  BackDisasters are  properly done with style. The bigbowl at the skatepark has a steep extension. Only those blessed from the tranny gods survive to tell the story.
 Lately shits been blowing out of the hole. Oxpark has been active with some talented skateboarding.
 Eric Dean on top of his game with a BacksideSmithGrind on the extension. That's some extension tension!
 Colorful edits of randomness. On top Dean hits the coping
 Eric again killing it with a BackTail to pop back into the bowl
 DevvDawg commin' in hawt with a Kickflip. Out of the darkness making things happen
 KC gettin' his back with a steeze ass Tree. Enjoying California out of TEXAS!
 Nick Jackson with the weiser. Nick's been shredding hard. Shredding so hard in Oxnard, Nick has FrontSmithGrinds with booze.

 Proper FrontSmiths

Keep Shreddin'