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its SevenEleven today
I've been baby sitting for the most part of my summer.
Taking kids around town made me skip breakfast, but this healthy bowl of oatmeal with craisins and almonds brought me back up
My buddies locked themselves out of their car today. They called me for help and sure enough I gave it to them.
"Almost there"
"You got it!!!"
yeah! we cracked that bad boy open
Good Job team :)
Then I met with my favorite girl for a quick beach adventure
we drove past Emma Wood. I was hoping for some epic cloud breaks, and we came across the warm sun
We're both crazy trying things out with our phones
This is what the beach looked liked when we arrived there
Went exploring looking for something new
Found my favorite mirrors
Then we came across this awesome tree :)
Hi Ashley :)
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Chillen in a tree
Just hanging like monkeys
Then the rain rolled by and we got hyped on shooting it
Ashley nervous
Ahhhhh the force of the train
Then her hair was blown by the wind = the force of the train
Ahhh that felt good
So we hung around trying out new things with trains
Buildt little holes for our phones
This guy had a cool dawgy with him
my little car
Phone ideas
We hung around waiting for the train to come
this is the video from today
Instead we were gifted with a lovely sunset and calm evening.
What a fun day.
Live life and appreciate what you have. Someday it won't be there.