Saturday, September 15, 2007


Fridays are my favorites, because I know after the hard day at school, I get to chill all weekend. School went by quick because we had a minimum day and I was stoked on getting out early. So I got out early and came home and then went to Eric's house. We gave his cousin Rudy a Mohawk and then it came out all slanted thanks to me. It was pretty funny. Ice cream man rolled by, and we bought a lot of candy. So then we went to the Agression show.
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We got their hellla early and we just posted it up outside of the Alpine eating our candy. I saw Brandon Adame their which I haven't seen since the 8th grade. I was tripping out cause he has hair now. Ashley Chandler got there and she chilled with us and then her mother was their and I offered her crack and she had to go back to the car. Then Cassie and Hannah rolled by on their skateboards. Eric and I got cold so we went inside and sat and talked to bebes from the Homewrekers who had "alot of lube" in their van. The singer was smoking. They were alright. Then all the other bands played and it was alright. I was just waiting for Agression and they kept taking forever to play so then I just chilled. When they played I was so stoked. Their first song was Locals Only! I was like "f yeah" and got in the pit and just messed around. I think it was when the played Body Count is when I jumped on top of Jose and I was on his shoulders and he went in the pit and it was all baller. That made my night. Also, when Cassie stage dived it was all crazy. I was in the pit the whole time and messing around. I got Eric a shirt for an early birthday present and for taking me cause it if wasn't for him I would have never gone. Ended up with this stuff for the night.
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Also, I am going to go to this premier later on today.
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