Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When Bees Attack

Sneak peak into my garden. Some of these plants consist of Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Squash, Pumpkin, Jalapenos, Bell Peppers, all kinds of Chilies, one Avocado tree, and a Guava tree. I need more seeds for next season, but these photographs are old.

Organic produce taste very different. It seems to have more flavor in comparison to a supermarket fruit/vegetable. All these genetically modified foods are bad for our health. Start a garden in your backyard!
My little owl scarecrow sure keeps the birds away.
My bicycle is pretty awesome

A beehive in front of my house. Once again, they are harmless little creatures. My brothers always seem to tease them by hosing them down with the water hose. One day they will learn their lesson. Don't mess with bees!

My last skate session

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back on Board

This summer I spent time with my family, some homies, skateboarding, summer school, and photography. I did not ride my bicycle as I had planned, but this fall I will ride, ride, and ride. I started a beautiful garden and I will soon post pictures. I hope all of you are doing fantastic and are enjoying the late summer heat. I've lost track of time, days, and people. I have goals I will try to accomplish by the end of this year and hope to keep updating this blog and bring it back from the dead.

I planted tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from seed

With the help of my little siblings