Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Skateboarding in Fillmore

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Fillmore, CA

On this lovely day Abel picked me up along with some of the homies. We went out to Fillmore skatepark and met up with more friends. The skate community is slowly coming together and these connections are going to get bigger. We did have Santa Ana winds, but we still skated and had our fun.

Big Money, Big Cars, who the fuck you think we are.

Holla & Leche 

Panchito and Art took us to these chill tennis ball ledge spot.

No one was filming and this is more of a filmer spot, but I managed to get a couple of good photos

Abel 5-0

Holla BackTail

Julio feeble & front board

Stanley coming off that Blunt

Ubaldo Crooked Grind

Stanley 180 Nosegrind

Valdo Nosegrind

Art Frontside Lipslide

Then we went on over to this stair to hill bomb.

Lil Church

Up we went up to the spot

Ector hill bombing

This cool hill is super awesome

Da homies high on a hill

Arthur 360 flip into the bank

Valdo getting his back

Abel T doing it up

Holla Kickflippin'

Leche was hurt on this mission

So the funniest thing happened. Ector thought it would be fun to roll his body down the hill. Someone called out "Look out for dog shit!" and Ector got up and boom! Had some brown stains on him. That was so hilarious he's lucky it was just misty soil. If it was actual dog shit it would have sucked.

More Clips. Panchito 

Stan switch frontside flip

Arthur front 3 

Abel backside Heel

Ubaldo getting it


Valdo Double Variel


Abel got this nice back heel into bank

Stan Switchflipp

Street Luging


He's gone

Everyone was hyped at this point. This place was a solid spot to be at. Nice, Shady, Smooth, all the elements of a fun spot

"We going for the homie hill bomb"

The Homies bombing hills

Then we went off to another spot at the Middle School

Always got to hop a fence

Shadow selfie, backpack & Tripod

We hungry skateboarders. We got lucky we came up. The SkateGod gave us Bread & Wine + Weed 

Pick a bun, any bun

Panchito munchin'

Then we heard of a flat bar down from the spot. Fillmore has so many fun little spots

Panchits helping us all out. Luckily my Ttool was the perfect size


"We going to tare it up dawg"

Its fall out here. The colors are changing, and the skies look amazing this time of year.

A couple of warm up tricks

Homies be shredding

Whipped out the flashes. Art with a front feebs

Panchito Crooks

Abel Frontboard

Stanley got some backsmiths on point

Abel switching up his game

Ector NollieSmith

Its Crooks baby

Its Smithy

Baldo trying a board 270 shuv out



Ector getting it. These homies put it down at the spot

From the Street onto the curb, Art slides away

The homies not giving up. Thanks for the assistance Panchits

Abel T switching things up again with a switch 5050

Lil Art Bluntin' like a mad man. So consistent

Baldo got closer and closer and battled this rail till the sun went down. So close!!!!!!

Good Job Crew!!!!!! Next time we'll have another gnarly adventure.