Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PunchBowlingSummer2013 Pt. 1

(click image to see larger and download)

Santa Paula, CA

On this day my brother had invited me to go to the "Punch Bowls." When we left, the Sun had already begun to work its head. We stopped by the skatepark first and we skated real quick and dipped. We met up with his friends and had a good time in the hills deep in the mountains.

We walked around St. Thomas Aquanis college. I've been there before for a plein air class, but the campus is awesome......

Were moving on

On this little fence, my brothers friend had stepped on a small baby snake

Im sweating already, on the brink of pouring sweat

My little big bro knows the trails out here, so we were making good progress in the shade

This felt like an actual adventure from down under

Loved looking up

I heard a bunch of yelling and had a feeling something was up

This adult snaked lingered on our path, not poisinous at all. It was just big and scary

the mountains above our heads

the only thing i dislike is all the graffiti

It doesn't belong here


Made it to the first bowl

But we trekked for the second

I walked through this water with my camera

At last!!!! the place we were looking for. All to ourselves with a decent amount of water

Have to enjoy a treat out here

the homies

My bro 

Super mellow chilling out here

My other bro lol


Rocked this dope hat

Back to were we came from, society

We split up, my brother had th short cuts on lock though. We made good timing on the way back

Slanted and Planted

Water keeps on moving

Hike on

This place was fucking hot!!!!

Overall, the punch bowls is a cool nearby location. Totally would do it up again. :) EnjoyLife!