Sunday, March 1, 2015

Skateboarding In SB

Santa Barbara, CA

Skate mission with the homies

We skated this school in SB that had a long ledge, a cool brick up down bubba, and friends 

Holla got some clips

Footy review with Angel

Out here after the rain storm

Abel switch grinder this ledge

Devo Heelflippin


Hub down bubba

Pozo trying to Kgrind

Holla trying to go

While Angel and I said hi to the lil homies shit went down

" is this place a bust?"


This cop pulled out and fucked up

They were going to bust us but they busted themselves.

Holla for the kill

Then we went to this cool ditch spot

The water made it sketchy


Had this little grind spot

Angel NollieBacksideFlip

Then he attempted it on this hip area