Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Days @ the Farmers Market :)

Gangsta LG rolled up after a laborious cycling workout
Im sooooo stoked for many reasons, one of them being a "new fisheye" lens 
lil' bro lurking all day every day 
in his mind "I wanna go for a swim"
Some boommmb Afghanistan Kush  grown in this county
Stole this Baked idea from BAKE&DESTROY 
Oxnard's Two Towers, InControl Album  
If you did not know, these cement trucks have the wheels in the back so they can balance the load of cement when they are on the road. Apparently he must of not been carrying any cement otherwise the tires would be on the road helping the cement truck balance itself. Imaging this truck doing a wheelie 
Downtown Beauty 

Us skateboarders are on every damn corner 

Rainy Farmers Market day. I hid my camera in my jacket cause of the rain 

I love avocados! especially in my sandwhiches 
I met this really cool guy named Edward selling orchids 
"that's $10 playa" 
My homie Luis and his father Juan(my lil bros GODFATHER) have a Palm Stand in all the local farmers market. Support Local, Buy Local!

It is Veteran's Weekend, Thank a Vet!
Met up with the CHOCH Connection for some action. Well I guess everything is going according to plan. I have some serious deadlines to meet at the end of this month. I can't stress but work hard and have fun while doing it all.