Saturday, January 19, 2008

Morning Seshing it!!!!

Early AM going to get Chuy at HHS because he ditch his class to go skate.

Foos car broke down

We headed down to downtown Ventura to go shred

We skated the ledges by the parking lot, I had my house phone on my backpack for some reason

Saul lol

WIth a 5-0

Nathans cool cause he tries

thats so random

Then off to a 3 nearby

Chuy manueld down this and almost fell

I bommed palm sequence

It was baller, then Chuy told this old drunk in his cart to go down it and im like "Bro, if he falls and tips over and dies, you know its going to be your fault." and hes like " Ohh shit hahaha" and he J walked on a red light without paying attention, and he got a ticket. It was funny seeing this guy bomb the hill.

805 PuNx

I like Ventura because there is all kinds of free stuff, like oranginos!

Got some Pepe's at Strand, I saw Morgan.

Backflip Sequence

Nathans big ass dog kept following me

Then off to the 99cents dock

I 50-50 up the big thing

Bailing and bailing

Then off to Sunkist to skate, and cops came, but we were playing on the teedertoodor

Dove by Pollo's pad and we saw him outside.

Fun day!


E J Dubb said... saul tha twiiin??haha nd iis tha arturoo>
lol.hahahahaha.but yahhhhhhhhhh.ii lov yer needa try nd go skate wiit you guyz ii can get sum actiion shotz haha=)

Tinxylove. said...

Daaaannng....thats hella funny.:D
Freaking Chuy got another ticket...suuuxx!
I LOVE ur pictures...they rock.:D
The pics of the guy doing the backflips are hella rad.:D

Unknown said...

who are you erica?